National Survey on Postal Banking

Survey happening now

What is Postal Banking?

Postal Banking is to offer low-cost consumer driven banking and financial services via its network. Since the Industrial Revolution period, the Post Offices around the globe intimately protecting the fabric of the nations by serving people in many ways including the financial services.

Postal service in the Maldives was introduced in 1906. Over the 115 years, Postal service witnessed phases of development and played a vital role in the Maldives.

Why Postal Banking

  • To serve people those who are un(der)-banked.
  • To offer affordable banking and financial services as an alternative for the expensive traditional banking norms.
  • To promote Financial Inclusion and increase Financial Literacy rate in the country.
  • To cover maximum reach through the trusted and long-serving Postal network.
  • To provide easily accessible people-driven banking and financial services.

Postal Banking – Is it something NEW?

No, the Postal Banking system can be traced from the late 18th century.

Many countries including the USA, France, Italy, Japan, China, Brazil, India and New Zealand offer banking and financial services. The Postal Banking system helps in improving the Financial Inclusion and Literacy of the Nations.

What are the services offered by the global Postal Banking system?

  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Micro-loans
  • Payments
  • Remittances
  • And many more

Take the Survey

MCDGI highly encourage everyone to take part in this national survey and contribute for the ground breaking initiative of Postal Banking project. You may fill up the survey via link below, or call +960 7976620. For more information contact us on:

National Survey on Postal Banking